2002 Nebula – Novel Winner and Nominees

The Winner and Nominees for the 2002 Nebula - Novel book award.

2002 Nebula – Novel Winner

The Quantum Rose

Catherine Asaro

From the author of Ascendant Sun, the Saga of the Skolian Empire continues in this Nebula Award-Winning Novel. Kamoj Argali is the young ruler of an impoverished province on a backward planet. To keep her people from starving, she has agreed to marry Jax I…

2002 Nebula – Novel Shortlist

A Storm of Swords
George R. R. Martin
Tim Powers
Eternity’s End
Jeffrey A. Carver
Mars Crossing
Geoffrey A. Landis
Connie Willis
The Collapsium
Wil McCarthy
The Tower at Stony Wood
Patricia A. McKillip