Sunday, January 19

1978 Cannes Film Festival – Palme d’Or – Best Short Film Winner and Nominees

1978 Cannes Film Festival – Palme d’Or – Best Short Film Winner

Rowing Across the Atlantic Jean-François Laguionie

Rowing Across the Atlantic

Jean-François Laguionie

A short film about a couple who leave their home in New York City and spend the rest of their lives in a boat in the Atlantic Ocean.

1978 Cannes Film Festival – Palme d’Or – Best Short Film Nominees

A Doonesbury Special John Hubley
A Doonesbury Special
John Hubley
Christmas Morning Tiernan MacBride
Christmas Morning
Tiernan MacBride
Le serpentine d'oro Anna Maria Tatò
Le serpentine d’oro
Anna Maria Tatò
Letter to a Friend Sonia Hofmann
Letter to a Friend
Sonia Hofmann
Maladie Paul Vecchiali
Paul Vecchiali
Oh My Darling Børge Ring
Oh My Darling
Børge Ring
The Oriental Nightfish Ian Emes
The Oriental Nightfish
Ian Emes
Új lakók Liviusz Gyulai
Új lakók
Liviusz Gyulai