1991 Beehive Award – Fiction Winner

Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake
1991 Beehive Award – Fiction Nominees

A Handful of Time
Kit Pearson

All About Sam (Anastasia Krupnick, book 8)
Lois Lowry

Catwings (Catwings, book 1)
Ursula K. LeGuin

Family Picture (originally published as Family Pose)
Dean Hughes

Flame-Colored Taffeta
Rosemary Sutcliff

Hey World, Here I Am!
Jean Little, illustrated by Sue Truesdell

Hugh Pine and the Good Place
Janwillem Van De Wetering, illustrated by Lynn Munsinger

Me, Mop and the Moondance Kid
Walter Dean Myers

Racing the Sun
Paul Pitts

Seventeenth Swap
Eloise McGraw

Shades of Gray
Carolyn Reeder, illustrated by Tim O’Brien

Starstone (Tales of Gom in the Legends of Ulm, book 4)
Grace Chetwin

Staying Nine
Pam Conrad, illustrated by Michael Wimmer

The Broccoli Tapes
Jan Slepian

The Devil’s Arithmetic
Jane Yolen

The Fairy Rebel
Lynne Reid Banks

The Lives of Christopher Chant (The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, book 1)
Diana Wynne Jones

The Most Beautiful Place in the World
Ann Cameron