Saturday, July 27

2010 James Tait Black Memorial Prize – Biography Winner and Nominees

2010 James Tait Black Memorial Prize – Biography Winner

Burying the Bones: Pearl Buck in China

Burying the Bones: Pearl Buck in China

Hilary Spurling

A thrilling portrait of the extraordinary childhood of Pearl Buck, the now-forgotten bestselling Nobel Prize winning novelist and author of The Good Earth….

2010 James Tait Black Memorial Prize – Biography Shortlist

A Life in Pictures
A Life in Pictures
Alasdair Gray
E.M. Forster: A New Life
E.M. Forster: A New Life
Wendy Moffat
Fordlandia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Ford's Forgotten Jungle City
Fordlandia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Ford’s Forgotten Jungle City
Greg Grandin

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