Saturday, July 27

2014 International Dublin Literary Award – Novel Winner and Nominees

2014 International Dublin Literary Award – Novel Winner

The Sound of Things Falling

The Sound of Things Falling

Juan Gabriel Vásquez

No sooner does he get to know Ricardo Laverde in a seedy billiard hall in Bogot than Antonio Yammara realises that the ex-pilot has a secret….

2014 International Dublin Literary Award – Novel Shortlist

A Death In The Family (translated from Norwegian by Don Bartlett) (My Struggle
A Death In The Family (translated from Norwegian by Don Bartlett) (My Struggle
Karl Ove Knausgård
Patrick Flanery
Questions of Travel
Questions of Travel
Michelle de Kretser
The Detour (translated from Dutch by David Colmer)
The Detour (translated from Dutch by David Colmer)
Gerbrand Bakker
The Garden of Evening Mists
The Garden of Evening Mists
Tan Twan Eng
Three Strong Women (translated from French by John Fletcher)
Three Strong Women (translated from French by John Fletcher)
Marie NDiaye
Traveller of the Century (translated from Spanish by Nick Caistor and Lorenza Garcia)
Traveller of the Century (translated from Spanish by Nick Caistor and Lorenza Garcia)
Andrés Neuman

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