Saturday, July 27

2014 John W. Campbell – Novel Winner and Nominees

2014 John W. Campbell – Novel Winner

Strange Bodies

Strange Bodies

Marcel Theroux

A dizzying novel of deception and metempsychosis by the author of the National Book Award finalist Far North Whatever this is, it started when Nicholas Slopen came back from the dead. In a locked ward of a notorious psychiatric hospital sits a man who insi…

2014 John W. Campbell – Novel Shortlist

Ancillary Justice
Ancillary Justice
Ann Leckie
Evening's Empires
Evening’s Empires
Paul McAuley
Nicola Griffith
Max Barry
Neptune's Brood
Neptune’s Brood
Charles Stross
On the Steel Breeze
On the Steel Breeze
Alastair Reynolds
Stephen Baxter
Kim Stanley Robinson
The Adjacent
The Adjacent
Christopher Priest
The Circle
The Circle
Dave Eggers
The Cusanus Game
The Cusanus Game
Wolfgang Jeschke
The Disestablishment of Paradise
The Disestablishment of Paradise
Phillip Mann
The Red: First Light
The Red: First Light
Linda Nagata
We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves
We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves
Karen Joy Fowler

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