Saturday, July 27

2016 Governor General’s Literary Award – Non-fiction Winner and Nominees

2016 Governor General’s Literary Award – Non-fiction Winner

A World We Have Lost: Saskatchewan Before 1905

A World We Have Lost: Saskatchewan Before 1905

Bill Waiser

A World We Have Lost examines the early history of Saskatchewan through an Aboriginal and environmental lens. Indian and mixed–descent peoples played leading roles in the story-as did the land and climate. Despite the growing British and Canadian presence…

2016 Governor General’s Literary Award – Non-fiction Shortlist

Brown: What Being Brown in the World Today Means (To Everyone)
Brown: What Being Brown in the World Today Means (To Everyone)
Kamal Al-Solaylee
Firewater: How Alcohol is Killing My People (and Yours)
Firewater: How Alcohol is Killing My People (and Yours)
Harold R. Johnson
In-Between Days: A Memoir About Living with Cancer
In-Between Days: A Memoir About Living with Cancer
Teva Harrison
Marconi: The Man Who Networked the World
Marconi: The Man Who Networked the World
Marc Raboy

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