Saturday, February 8

2018 Critics Choice Awards – Best Production Design Winner and Nominees

2018 Critics Choice Awards – Best Production Design Winner

Black Panther Hannah Beachler

Black Panther

Hannah Beachler

T’Challa, heir to the hidden but advanced kingdom of Wakanda, must step forward to lead his people into a new future and must confront a challenger from his country’s past.

2018 Critics Choice Awards – Best Production Design Nominees

Crazy Rich Asians Nelson Coates
Crazy Rich Asians
Nelson Coates
First Man Kathy Lucas
First Man
Kathy Lucas
Mary Poppins Returns John Myhre
Mary Poppins Returns
John Myhre
Roma Eugenio Caballero
Eugenio Caballero
The Favourite Fiona Crombie
The Favourite
Fiona Crombie