Saturday, July 27

2000 Locus – Fantasy Novel Winner and Nominees

2000 Locus – Fantasy Novel Winner

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

J. K. Rowling

SUMMARY: Fun stationary with lenticular imagery to tie-in with the third blockbuster movie….

2000 Locus – Fantasy Novel Shortlist

A Calculus of Angels
A Calculus of Angels
J. Gregory Keyes
A Red Heart of Memories
A Red Heart of Memories
Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Black Light
Black Light
Elizabeth Hand
Dark Cities Underground
Dark Cities Underground
Lisa Goldstein
Barbara Hambly
Orson Scott Card
Fortress of Owls
Fortress of Owls
C. J. Cherryh
Mr. X
Mr. X
Peter Straub
Peter S. Beagle
The Eternal Footman
The Eternal Footman
James Morrow
The Fifth Elephant
The Fifth Elephant
Terry Pratchett
The Marriage of Sticks
The Marriage of Sticks
Jonathan Carroll
The Rainy Season
The Rainy Season
James P. Blaylock
The Stars Compel
The Stars Compel
Michaela Roessner

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