Saturday, July 27

2004 Los Angeles Times Book Prize – Science & Technology Winner and Nominees

2004 Los Angeles Times Book Prize – Science & Technology Winner

The Whale and the Supercomputer: On the Northern Front of Climate Change

The Whale and the Supercomputer: On the Northern Front of Climate Change

Charles Wohlforth

In The Whale and the Supercomputer, scientists and natives wrestle with our changing climate in the land where it has hit first–and hardest A traditional Eskimo whale-hunting party races to shore near Barrow, Alaska–their comrades trapped on a floe drift…

2004 Los Angeles Times Book Prize – Science & Technology Shortlist

His Brother's Keeper: A Story from the Edge of Medicine
His Brother’s Keeper: A Story from the Edge of Medicine
Jonathan Weiner
On the Wing: To the Edge of the Earth with the Peregrine Falcon
On the Wing: To the Edge of the Earth with the Peregrine Falcon
Alan Tennant
Opening Skinner's Box: Great Psychological Experiments of the Twentieth Century
Opening Skinner’s Box: Great Psychological Experiments of the Twentieth Century
Lauren Slater
The Proteus Effect: Stem Cells and Their Promise for Medicine
The Proteus Effect: Stem Cells and Their Promise for Medicine
Ann Parson

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