Thursday, February 6


2016 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Grand Canyon Reader Award, Intermediate

2016 Grand Canyon Reader Award – Intermediate Winner and Nominees

2016 Grand Canyon Reader Award - Intermediate WinnerEscape From Mr. Lemoncello's LibraryChris Gabenstein...Amazon2016 Grand Canyon Reader Award - Intermediate NomineesAlways OctoberBruce CovilleAmazonEscape from Mr. Lemoncello's LibraryChris GrabensteinAmazonIron Hearted VioletKelly BarnhillAmazonThe Fingertips of Duncan DorfmanMeg WolitzerAmazonThe Five Lives of Our Cat ZookJoanne RocklinAmazonThe Trouble With ChickensDoreen CroninAmazonThe Truth of MePatricia MacLachlanAmazonThe Wishing SpellChris ColferAmazonThe Year of Billy MillerKevin HenkesAmazon
2015 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Grand Canyon Reader Award, Intermediate

2015 Grand Canyon Reader Award – Intermediate Winner and Nominees

2015 Grand Canyon Reader Award - Intermediate WinnerWonderR.J. Palacio...Amazon2015 Grand Canyon Reader Award - Intermediate NomineesChitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again!Frank Cottrell BoyceAmazonJustin Fisher Declares War!James PrellerAmazonMr. and Mrs. Bunny: Detectives Extraordinaire!Polly HorvathAmazonOf Giants and IceShelby BachAmazonShells, Smells, and the Horrible Flip-Flops of DoomRachel VailAmazonThe Hero's Guide to Saving Your KingdomChristopher HealyAmazonThe One and Only IvanKatherine ApplegateAmazonThe SpindlersLauren OliverAmazonThe Year of the BookAndrea ChengAmazonWonderR.J. PalacioAmazon
2014 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Grand Canyon Reader Award, Intermediate

2014 Grand Canyon Reader Award – Intermediate Winner and Nominees

2014 Grand Canyon Reader Award - Intermediate WinnerPieSarah Weeks...Amazon2014 Grand Canyon Reader Award - Intermediate NomineesDarwen Arkwright and the Peregrine PactA.J. HartleyAmazonEscape by NightLaurie MyersAmazonGood Curses EvilStephanie S. SandersAmazonThe Last MusketeerStuart GibbsAmazonThe Luck of the ButtonsAnne YlvisakerAmazonThe Unforgotten CoatFrank Cottrell BoyceAmazonThe Wish StealersTracy TrivasAmazonWaiting for the MagicPatricia MacLachlanAmazon
2013 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Grand Canyon Reader Award, Intermediate

2013 Grand Canyon Reader Award – Intermediate Winner and Nominees

2013 Grand Canyon Reader Award - Intermediate WinnerBecause of Mr. TeruptRob Buyea...Amazon2013 Grand Canyon Reader Award - Intermediate NomineesEmily's FortunePhyllis Reynolds NaylorAmazonHide and SeekKaty GrantAmazonNinth WardJewell Parker RhodesAmazonThe Crowfield CursePat WalshAmazonThe FamiliarsAdam Jay Epstein and Andrew JacobsonAmazonThe ShadowsJacqueline WestAmazonTouch BlueCynthia LordAmazon
2012 Awards, All Book Awards, Book Awards, Book Awards By Year, Grand Canyon Reader Award, Intermediate

2012 Grand Canyon Reader Award – Intermediate Winner and Nominees

2012 Grand Canyon Reader Award - Intermediate WinnerClosed For The SeasonMary Downing Hahn...Amazon2012 Grand Canyon Reader Award - Intermediate Nominees11 BirthdaysWendy MassAmazonDying to Meet YouKate KliseAmazonExtra CreditAndrew ClementsAmazonNeil Armstrong Is My Uncle & Other Lies Muscle Man Mcginty Told MeNan MarinoAmazonThe Night FairyLaura Amy SchlitzAmazonThe Secret of ZoomLynne JonellAmazon